I must find a pattern for this sweater or just the sweater itself already made would be great! hehehe...
I love the off the shoulder sleeves and cables and the overall sexyness of it.
It's from the game Final Fantasy XIII
the character Nora (Hope's mother) wears it near the beginning of the storyline. I was playing the game on my Xbox360 and this caught my eye.
If anyone out there knows a similar crochet pattern out there please link me up!
Otherwise I will be stuck in a continuous mad frenzy trying to copy this with crochet stitches (I know it's knit) .
I am guessing all I need to do is make very long, shoulder length armwarmers add some cables and attach them to a halter type cardigan. hmmm...I feel a challenge coming on...
I know my obsession with knit/crochet and gaming is colliding!!
Everywhere I look I see a great color scheme or pattern I want to try to work up! :P
btw, this is today's Fashion Friday... :D
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